
Sustainable Growth Programme (SGP)

Snippets on the Consultation Meeting on the MoE’s Proposed E-Waste EPR System

WMRA and CEDARE co-organized a consultative meeting on WMRA’s proposed Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) system of e-waste. The meeting aimed to introduce the new system to relevant stakeholders including the Ministry of Industry, Customs Authority, producers and importers of electronics, recyclers, as well as the Federation of Egyptian Industries, in...
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SRI TOT Training on the Practical Refurbishment E-Waste Management Curriculum

A practical on-hand refurbishment sector of the E-waste Management curriculum on batteries ToT workshop was conducted by the Electronic Research Institute in October 2024 over 5 days for 15 WE Technological Schools Engineering Instructors, under the umbrella of the Cooperation Protocol between the Electronic Research Institute (ERI), the Ministry of...
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Session on Digital Transformation in the Arab Cities

Dr. Hossam Allam, Sustainable Growth Regional Director, virtually participated in the session on Digital Transformation in the Arab Cities which was organized by the Arab Urban Development Institute (AUDI) based in Riyadh, SA. Following the consultation with this group of experts in the field of Urban planning and sustainable cities...
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The Impacts of Single-Use Plastic Pollution on the Marine Ecosystem

On June 29th, 2024, The Ministry of Environment and CEDARE co-organized an #awareness session of the harms caused by #single_use#plastic_pollution and its effects on #biodiversity in #Egypt and the resulting threat to human health, marine life, birds, etc., and the damage made to the #environment and disruption to the #ecosystem...
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