The Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) was established in1992 as an international inter-governmental Organization with diplomatic status. This was in response to the convention adopted by the Council of Arab Ministers Responsible For the Environment (CAMRE) , in 1991 and upon the initiative of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Arab fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD).
CEDARE, has developed a new vision for its future.  One of its main objectives is to advance the implementation of the Global Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Developments and its related goals. The centre works in five priority areas: (i) Water Resources Management; (ii) Land Resources Management; (iii) Knowledge, Information and Communication Technologies; (iv) Sustainable Growth, and (v) Environmental Governance.
“To work with all partners to encourage the concept of ‘Environment for Development’ with all its commitments to the future and the generations to come, by constantly striving to integrate the environmental dimension as a key element in the policies, plans, and programmes of development, especially in the fields of CEDARE action priorities, with a special emphasis on establishing the culture of public participation and joint action, which is the foundation of progress in modern societies, so that sound environmental management systems and positive responsible practices become part and parcel of the culture and awareness of nations, in an integrated system with human beings at its core, a system that  radiates vitality, optimism and hope.”
CEDARE experience has been varied covering several initiatives, projects and activities in the various branches of natural resources, whether water, land, or coastal and marine; environmental management in urban areas, with a special emphasis on solid waste management; and the utilization of environmental information systems, especially in integrated environmental assessment; in addition to several activities related to the socioeconomic aspects of development, training, media, and public awareness.
Its main objectives are:
  1. Striving for the implementation of the principle of Integrated Management of Water Resources, as one of the pillars of achieving the SDG’s, and to maximize the economic, social and environmental benefits of water usage.
  2. Preserving scarce land resources in danger of deterioration and rehabilitating and developing them with state-of-the-art technologies and practices, as they are one of the important pillars of combating poverty and ensuring food security for sustainable development.
  3. Supporting environmental decision making by analyzing and disseminating environmental information and assisting the institutional bodies capable of disseminating knowledge.
  4. Participating in the maximization of the principle of self-compliance, and strengthening social responsibility at business enterprises for the improvement of environmental performance as a tool for enhancing the competitive edge of these institutions in global markets.

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