Life on this planet depends on water. More precious than oil, yet routinely wasted, water is arguably the world’s most pressing resource issue. Humanity is struggling to manage water in ways that are efficient, equitable, and environmentally sound.
Many parts of the world will face increasingly dire conditions as populations grow, cities expand, and sources of clean, fresh water disappear. Compared to other regions, Arab countries in particular, experience a substantial scarcity of renewable water resources since most of the Arab region lies in an arid and semi-arid zone where rainfall is mostly low, variable and unpredictable. Consequently, these water shortages are expected to become more frequent and more severe.
CEDARE’s Water Resources Programme was formulated to address all current and future water challenges with a strategic goal as well as specific goals.
Strategic Goal
Maximize economic, social & environmental water use benefits through Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
Specific Goals
- Achieve 2030 Water SDGs
- Assess State of Water in Arab Region
- Support countries in developing & implementing IWRM Plans, Visions, & Strategies
- Enhance shared water resources management
- Advance low-cost and new water technologies
- Optimize surface & groundwater use
- Develop non-conventional water resources including water reuse & desalination
- Embrace Water-Energy-Food Nexus approaches in water resources planning & management
- Promote use of advanced technological tools in water resources planning & management including Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, & Decision Support Systems
- Conduct periodical State of the Water assessments
- Study Climate Change impacts & adaptation mechanisms in the water sector