
Sustainable Growth Programme (SGP)

CEDARE Showcases SRI Impact on Egypt at the WRF’23

On 5 September 2023, and as part of the WRF’23 in Geneva, Ms. Ghada Moghny, Senior Programme Coordinator at CEDARE delivered a presentation on the “Sustainable Recycling Industries Impact on Egypt”, as part of the scientific session titled “E-waste frameworks, business models and management”. Ms. Moghny overviewed the Egyptian e-waste...
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On the 19th of July 2023, the Cedare – Centre for Environment & Development for the Arab Region & Europe hosted a Switchers gathering co-organized by MedWaves and #CEDARE. An inspiring point of contact to share experiences and identify possible collaborations between green entrepreneurs. Representing MedWaves Giorgio Mosangini, Alessandro Miraglia...
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Sustainable Recycling Industries (SRI – PHASE II)

(October 1st, 2019 – June 1st, 2023), The overall development objective of the programme (SRI continuation) is that favorable framework conditions enable the development of a sustainable recycling industry for e-waste and related waste streams in SECO partner countries. The programme is focusing on governance and technology aspects that allow...
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