UNEP, UNHABITAT & CEDARE release 3 publications on Egypt’s Fuel Efficiency & Economy and Sustainable Urban Mobility

Although the transport sector is one of the main drivers of social and economic development, it is yet a massive energy consumer and source of emission that needs careful investigation. As one of its mandates is to promote sustainable transportation through technical assistance and research, policy advice, capacity building, and awareness-raising together with its national and international partners, CEDARE partnered with UNEP and UNHABITAT to conduct three publications to add to its vast production of thorough studies on Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles and sustainable transportation at large for Egypt as well as for the MENA region.
The three publications in hand are developed under the umbrella of the “No and Low Emission Mobility Project” implemented by the Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE), in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and other global partners with an overall objective of improving air quality and climate change mitigation. The Project specifically focuses on assisting Egypt to update fuel economy trends and recommending policies to promote electric mobility and further screening countries’ and cities’ efforts in implementing no and low emission transport policies and strategies, switching to cleaner fuels -low Sulphur fuels- and vehicle emission standards, and developing policies that prioritize walking and cycling infrastructure.
The first publication: “The second edition of the Fuel Economy Policies and Labeling for New Cars: Improving Fuel Efficiency and CO2 Emissions in Egypt” is developed in cooperation with the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA). Based on this baseline assessment covering Egypt and other countries in the region and building on the support of the global GFEI network, policy support is extended to Egypt to facilitate reaching the common GFEI targets. This activity is also implemented jointly with the campaign of the Partnership for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV) and emphasized the reduction of sulfur content in fuels, among other projects implemented by CEDARE in the area of sustainable transport.
CEDARE produced the second publication: The “Fuel Economy and CO2 Emissions of Light-Duty Vehicles (LDV) in Egypt” Report in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and with the technical support of UNHABITAT. This comes as part of the continuous efforts to increase Energy Efficiency (EE) in different sectors in Egypt -including transport- and minimize GHGs and pollutants emissions. Since LDVs represent more than 49% of the total licensed vehicles in Egypt, accordingly, improving the Fuel Economy (FE) of the LDVs in Egypt has become on the top of the list of recommended policies to reduce the transport sector’s energy consumption and pollutant emissions. This study also aims to assess and define the appropriate and effective policies and measures necessary for curbing greenhouse gases and pollutant emissions from the Light-Duty vehicles (LDVs) -as the most important segment of transport in Egypt- as well as recommend policies to accelerate the improvement of vehicle choices in the market. The report presents the results of defining the average FE of LDVs in Egypt during the years (2017 to 2021) as an update to data developed in previous studies covering years since 2005. This baseline and trendline assessment provide recommendations for policies and measures to approach the goals of the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI).
The third publication: “Sustainable Urban Mobility in Egypt” was meant for showcasing Egypt’s activities in this crucial sector prior to COP27. Providing the answer to “How to mitigate climate change in transport?”, this catalogue highlighted the 3 principles adopted in Egypt; namely, Avoiding kilometers travelled at the outset, Shifting towards more sustainable modes of transport, and Improving the existing choices, fuels, technologies and systems.