KMP Projects


Africa SDGs Interactive Portal

The Africa SDGs Interactive Portal aims to enhance the science-policy nexus in Africa by strengthening institutional capacities for environmental data and statistics. It seeks to facilitate the integration of the environmental aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals into national and regional policy frameworks through targeted capacity development initiatives. The project is expected to contribute to UNEP’s sub-program on Environment Under Review.


UNEP ROA, United Nations Country Teams (UNCT), National Governments of at 19 African countries

Region / Country


19 African countries in the first phase


  • Foster coherent integration of environmental dimensions of Sustainable Development Goals in regional and national policy frameworks.
  • Strengthen national capacities for the sustained, regular production of a priority set of environmental data and statistics, including through digital innovation.
  • Provide capacity development support to AEIN focal point, UNCT, and other country-level and regional environmental stakeholders in integrating environmental dimensions of SDGs into country programming and prioritization strategies.


From – To     2020 – 2023


  • Interactive portal to allow countries update and share their SDGs data and indicators
  • Enhanced capacity for the regular production of priority environmental data and statistics in at least 19 African countries.
  • Strengthened capacity of UNCT and other stakeholders to integrate environmental dimensions of SDGs into country programming and prioritization strategies.
  • Fostering participatory processes that strengthen the science-policy interface, generate evidence-based environmental assessments, identify emerging issues, and foster policy action.


Relevance to SDGs

The Africa SDGs Interactive Portal project is directly aligned with several Sustainable Development Goals. It contributes to SDG 13 (Climate Action) and SDG 15 (Life on Land) by fostering the integration of environmental factors into policy decisions. The project’s emphasis on capacity building and data production relates to SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), particularly in its targets of enhancing data monitoring and accountability. Additionally, by working with national governments and regional stakeholders, the project supports SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions), particularly in the promotion of effective, accountable, and transparent institutions. The focus on digital innovation in data production may also indirectly contribute to SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure).

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