The First National Advisory Committee Meeting for Al-Murunah Project
CEDARE hosted the first National Advisory Committee (NPAC) Meeting for Al-Murunha project. The meeting occurred on the 31st of March, 2024 in the presence of the committee members, Dr. Walid Mohamed Haqiqi, Head of the Planning Sector at the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Dr. Mohamed Mohsen Elkholy, Director of the Soil, Water, and Environment Institute at the Agricultural Research Center, Dr. Kamel Mostafa Alsayed, Director of AOAD Egypt’s office, Ms. Namaa Mahmoud Alsayed, National Council for Childhood and Motherhood, Dr. Mohamed Eid Alsayed, National Focal Point, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. In addition to the project team from IWMI and CEDARE.
Dr. Amr Abdelmegeed, the Project Manager and NPAC member inaugurated the meeting with an overview of Al-Murunah project objectives and milestones and emphasized the crucial role of the committee in offering strategic guidance and oversight to the project, ensuring alignment with national development priorities, policies, and objectives. Furthermore, he highlighted that the committee plays an integral part in providing recommendations on the implementation of the selected interventions, and the overall direction to maximize its impact and effectiveness.
After a thorough discussion, the committee provided comprehensive recommendations about irrigation efficiency and salinity management, as well as, addressing market disparities and enhancing agricultural practices. Additionally, the committee stressed the significance of nature-based solutions, including organic and natural methods to eliminate salinity and similar agricultural water challenges. Future NPAC meetings will be held to closely monitor and oversee the project’s progress.