EGP News


The Egyptian Parliament is Discussing Draft Legislation for The Sustainable Management of Rangelands and Combating Desertification

For the first time, the Egyptian Parliament is discussing draft legislation for the sustainable management of rangelands and combating desertification. This legislation was developed by CEDARE, during the GEF-funded project HERD, in collaboration with the Matrouh Governorate, the Desert Research Center (DRC), the Ministry of Environment, the Arab Organization for Agricultural Development, and IUCN.

The legislation was developed using the participatory approach with relevant stakeholders including, the community leaders, officials, law experts, the Ministry of Agriculture, local authorities, and tribes’ leaders.

The Egyptian Parliament has formed a joint committee composed of representatives from different sectors, including agriculture, irrigation, constitutional and legislative affairs, and local administration to discuss the draft legislation on sustainable rangelands and combating desertification.

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