SGP News

Members of the Steering Committee of SRI hold their 1st Meeting in Cairo

Members of the Steering Committee of SRI hold their 1st Meeting in Cairo

On May 8th, 2016, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT) hosted the first meeting of the Sustainable Recycling Industries (SRI) Steering Committee. Chaired by Eng. Khaled El Attar (MCIT), the committee comprised representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Trade & Industry, Ministry of Finance, Swiss Embassy, and the Project Management Unit at CEDARE.

This meeting aimed at introducing core stakeholders with SRI Project’s objectives, components, implementation plan and deliverables in addition to setting the level of involvement of each organization within the project as well as the roles and responsibilities assigned to each one, where synergy is fundamental.

Diverse technical and operational issues were covered and discussed in details, bringing about a list of recommendations; the following came on top of it:             

  • To include all relevant stakeholders into the advisory board, such as General Authority of General Services(GAGS), categorization of companies, among others;
  • Need one consolidated proposal on the accreditation system;
  • It is feasible to change items within the set components as per the Swiss Embassy’s representative;
  • The minutes of meeting once translated into Arabic and prepared by CEDARE will be sent to the concerned ministries and Swiss ambassador, 
  • CEDARE will make the necessary revisions of the work plan in light of the meeting and will meet with the Chairman of the Steering Committee within two weeks to validate; &
  • Essential elements in the work plan are:

       –  Job opportunities,

       –  Business and economic opportunities of the industry,

       –  Role of the state, &

       –  Marketing and awareness campaign

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