National Action Plan for Sustainable Consumption and Production for Egypt

(December 1st, 2013 – December 31st, 2015), Adding to Cedare’s efforts in lobbying for a national transition to a green economy and adopting a sustainable development directive, the SWITCH Med project focuses on sustainable consumption and production.
The EC funded multi‐component SWITCH‐Med programme will assist the 10 ENPI South target countries of the southern Mediterranean to develop and implement policies to SWITCH to sustainable pattern of consumption and production (SCP) promoting it among consumers, small and medium‐sized enterprises and Mediterranean policy‐makers. Egypt is one of the countries covered by the project and towards this end, an SSFA agreement was signed by UNEP and CEDARE in June 2014. The main aim of the cooperation within the context of SWITCH – MED is to design an action plan to introduce SCP in four main sectors based on CEDARE’s ‘Green Economy Scoping Study for Egypt’ launched in cooperation with UNEP. The focus is on 4 sectors, including: Agriculture, Energy, Waste and Water.
CEDARE is assigned to conduct a scoping study to assess possible transitioning to a green economy

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