SGP News


Sustainable Consumption and Production National Action Plan for Egypt – Launching Workshop, Dusit Thani, Egypt

The workshop was held under the auspices of the Egyptian Ministry of Environment on the 5th of March, 2015, during the deliberations of the 15th African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) which in turn was held starting 2nd till the 6th of March and hosted by Egypt in Dusit Thani Lakeview, Cairo.

The objective of the workshop was to unveil the process of developing and drafting the Sustainable Consumption and Production (SGP) National Action Plan for Egypt and highlight potential opportunities and challenges for promoting SGP policies in the targeted four sectors; Agriculture, Water, Energy and Municipal Solid Waste.

The workshop aimed at emphasizing the participatory approach to be adopted in developing the action plan. There are two levels of coordination between different stakeholders; through a steering committee representing different line ministries and four working groups for technical contributions.

The workshop targeted experts, officials and government representatives, private sector, and relevant NGOs. Participants were identified on the basis of a mapping process, including potential participants of the working groups for the four sectors. The selection process is also aimed at facilitating securing the necessary data and information for undertaking the project.

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