SGP Projects

PCFV – Clean Fuel Vehicles

PCFV – Clean Fuel Vehicles

(June 2010 – December 2016), The Center for Environment development for the Arab Region & Europe (CEDARE) and the United Nations Development Programme entered this Partnership on Clean Fuel and Vehicles (PCFV) to cooperate in organizing the Middle East and North Africa Forum and the Sulfur Reduction meeting for Iraq.

CEDARE has been an active regional member to foster cooperation within the themes of the Partnership, which is coherent with CEDARE’s mandate to enhance the quality of life and use our natural resources wisely. CEDARE through its Board of Trustees and network would be able to advocate for the implementation of the Partnership’s activities in CEDARE’s region.

UNEP agreed to co-operate with CEDARE with respect to the project/programme entitled Clean Fuels and vehicles Workshop in the Middle East /West Asia region.  The main objective of this agreement is to bring together key stakeholders in both government, the petroleum industry and other stakeholders in the Arab region to discuss how to;

  • Achieve low sulphur diesel usage in the region;
    • Develop a regional fuels road
    • Harmonize national ambient air quality standards and vehicular emission standards in the region;
    • Sensitize policy and decision makers including stakeholders in the region on the benefits of low sulphur in fuels;
    • Improve vehicle standards and technologies;
    • Seek and achieve endorsement of 50ppm low sulphur fuels within a defined timeline by the League of Arabs States (LAS) through CAMRE resolution;

The project has been running for the past years to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Organize regional workshop on clean fuels and vehicles in the Middle East;
  2. Recommend an actionable implementation plan to achieve 50ppm low sulphur diesel target in the region and short time national targets to be achieved in various stages;
  3. Identify lead institutions responsible for endorsement of the recommendation for implementation;
  4. Exchange views on needs and priorities for the region on urban air quality
  5. Provide a comprehensive study on clean fuels and vehicles as foundational document for use in development of a regional fuels road map and identification of potential donors of the study work;
  6. Sensitize policy makers in the region as to the importance of clean fuels and vehicles in the improvement of air quality, urban health and environmental protection;
  7. Improve communication and regional cooperation between countries on cleaner fuel and vehicle emissions issues;
  8. Provide awareness on PCFV mission and its activities in the region;
  9. Encourage the use of new vehicle and emission control technologies for better air quality management.

Produce a list of regional key stakeholders and experts to work with UNEP and CEDARE in promoting clean fuels and vehicles in the region

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