SGP News

ShMILE-2 Ecolabels for Hotels in the Mediterranean Region, Alexandria, Egypt

ShMILE-2 Ecolabels for Hotels in the Mediterranean Region, Alexandria, Egypt

CEDARE co-organized the Regional Conference on “Ecolabels for Hotels in the Mediterranean Region: Experience Sharing

 Among South Mediterranean Countries”, in cooperation with the Jordanian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. The conference was held from 11-13 March 2013, at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt. The conference aimed at the dissemination of the EU Ecolabel through creating synergies with relevant EU institutions and discussing the process of setting-up a national Ecolabel and the adaptation of criteria to the local conditions. Also, a field visit to the Sofitel Cecil Hotel in Alexandria was held to showcase the experience of an eco-labeled hotel and the applied environmental performance criteria.

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