Study on Sustainable Entrepreneurship (January 2011 – May 2011)
As part of the Green Economy programme, CEDARE participated in the production of the Study on Sustainable Entrepreneurship in the Arab Mediterranean Countries of the Cleaner Production Regional Activity Center.
The report provides an analysis for three case studies for green investments in Egypt, Lebanon, and Jordan covering three sectors, namely: sustainable agriculture in Egypt, ecotourism in Lebanon, and sustainable management of solid waste in Jordan. The report assesses the rationale behind green investments including, challenges and opportunities, constraints, and benefits accruing to the public as well as to entrepreneurs and the private sector. It also makes recommendations for promoting green investments in the three selected sectors. The main target audience for the report is policy entrepreneurs, as well as policy and decision makers, and consumers.
The main objective of the report is to make available country experience in selected Arab Mediterranean countries, identify lessons learnt, and provide recommendations for future action. The report is intended to encourage entrepreneurs in Arab Mediterranean countries to invest in green sectors, Governments in the region support and encourage the private sector to investing in environmentally sound and sustainable activities, and consumers to adopt more environmental friendly consumption patterns.