Building Core Capacity for the Implementation, Monitoring, and Reporting of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and Relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Botswana
The project aims to develop an environmental information system and knowledge platform for Botswana to support decision-making and reporting related to MEAs and SDGs. It involves reviewing knowledge management best practices, identifying core data producers, designing a 5-module web-based system, and conducting training programs. The key activities include gathering information on versatile systems, mapping data sources, developing statistics and indicators modules, an interactive state of environment report, a spatial information system, and a shared environmental data portal. It will enhance institutional coordination, monitoring capacities, and data availability to strengthen Botswana’s compliance with MEAs and achievement of relevant SDG targets.
Botswana, and UNEP
Region / Country
- Develop an environmental information system and knowledge platform to support decision-making and reporting related to MEAs and SDGs.
- Enhance management and availability of environmental data from various agencies for integrated assessments.
- Strengthen coordination mechanisms and stakeholder engagement on MEAs and SDGs.
- Build capacity of government agencies on data collection, management and sharing protocols.
- Establish national databases of statistics, indicators, and references to facilitate monitoring and reporting.
- Develop interactive modules for environmental statistics, indicators, state of environment reporting and spatial information.
- Create a shared environmental data portal for open access to information across institutions.
- Provide training to experts on using and managing the knowledge management system.
- Formulate recommendations to improve data availability and key environmental indicators.
- Promote knowledge-based and evidence-driven environmental governance and policymaking.
- Improve Botswana’s compliance with reporting obligations under various MEAs.
- Support Botswana’s monitoring and achievement of relevant SDG targets.
From – To 2022 – 2023
- Template designs of information systems,
- List of data producers,
- Integrated 5-module web platform,
- Training of experts on data systems.
Botswana Environmental Information System
Relevance to SDGs
- The outcomes of improved environmental information systems would support SDG 15 (Life on Land) through evidence-based decision making and strengthening of institutions.
- Capacity building also contributes to SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).