CEDARE Launches its Africa Sustainability Programme
CEDARE-Africa Sustainability Programme (ASP) aims to help Africa achieve sustainable development and protect its natural resources by bridging the gap between science and policy. It works with various African governments and institutions from different sectors to collect, organize, and share data, information, and knowledge on sustainable development using databases and online platforms. CEDARE-Africa Sustainability Programme (ASP) works at regional, national, and sub-national levels in Africa.
ASP Programme aims to support the design and execution of environmental policies and strategies based on environmental research, analysis, and assessments. ASP works closely with UNEP and other Africa partners to enhance the capacity and skills of stakeholders in policy analysis, environmental assessment, and data management through training programmes. CEDARE-Africa Sustainability Programme encourages collaboration and dialogue among African stakeholders from various sectors in order to share knowledge, establish partnerships, and reach consensus on environmental and development issues.