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A Series of Workshops on Climate Smart Value Chain for Selected Agricultural Products in Upper Egypt

A Series of Workshops on Climate Smart Value Chain for Selected Agricultural Products in Upper Egypt

Within the framework of the  International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) project Sustainable Agriculture Investments and Livelihoods (Sail), the Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) is co-organizing with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Egypt Office, a series of workshops on Climate Smart Value Chain for Selected Agricultural Products in Upper Egypt.

Based on the findings of the initial SAIL project, and the lessons learned from the Farmer Field School activities, CEDARE and FAO are undertaking a detailed analysis of select climate-smart agri-food value chains in Upper Egypt, focusing on three governorates (Beni Suef, El Menia, and Aswan). The four selected value chains are tomato, pepper, sugarcane, and aromatic & medicinal plants. The study will develop resilient, inclusive, and sustainable value chain production models for the selected crops in Upper Egypt, as well as economic feasibility and financial investment options and systems for small investors to establish sustainable value chains.

The workshops are being organised in the Upper Egyptian cities of Beni Suef and El Menia, from 16 to 20 September 2023. Facilitated by experts from FAO, CEDARE, and the Cairo Center for Development Benchmarking (CDB), the workshops will be attended by representatives of the main value chain actors, including, but not limited to, farmers, producers, pesticide and fertilizer dealers, as well as experts in the different post-harvest elements, including cooling, processing, and export. Participants will discuss, deliberate, and analyse the ongoing traditional practices for all elements of the value chains against those proposed as selected climate-smart practices; assessing, documenting, and recommending the most sustainable and relevant practices for the selected crops.

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