Sustainable Investment in Solid and Agricultural Waste (SISAW) in Fayoum and Minya project was a 2-year national project from 2018 to 2020, funded by the European Union (EU) under the EU-JRDP and co-financed in parallel by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Project aimed at enhancing the two governorates’ rural population well-being by achieving sustainable territorial resources governance and socio-economic development through an innovative participatory Solid Waste Management (SIWM) Process.
The awareness campaigns in both Fayoum and Minya reached out to nearly 2,251 persons (1,044 males and 1,207 females). By the end of the awareness campaigns, jobs were created for 810 women occupied for sorting out waste at home and 12 jobs for men as garbage collectors. Five awareness campaigns tackled various topics, including Public Participation in Waste Management, Waste Composition and Challenges, Solid and Agricultural Waste cycle, Income Generating activities (IGA), women IGA from the Waste Management (WM) cycle, and the WM cycle in village schools.
Awareness session in Minya
A hundred local business owners in Minya and Fayoum Villages were trained and underwent intensive capacity-building sessions regarding the entrepreneurship concept, feasibility study, characteristics of entrepreneurs, the criteria for choosing startups, and economic feasibility study of small projects.
Two waste disposal units were installed and operated. The first one in Fayoum converts the organic solid waste into biochar and energy using a gasification system. The other one, in Minya, converts agricultural waste into compost.