Solid Waste Management
Improved Solid Waste Management and Health Services in Ezbet Allam – El Khosous City – Qalyubeya Governorate.
The project aimed at enhancing solid waste management and health services delivery in Ezbet Allam in El-Khosoos, Qalyoubia Governorate. The project was funded by the European Union (EU) and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and implemented by CEDARE.
The project’s first priority was to establish a healthcare clinic as an initiative to improve the healthcare service in the area with a medical analysis laboratory for early inspection of “Virus C” to contain the widespread disease among residents. In addition to a dental care centre, a minor surgery room, and a community dialogue unit for hygiene education and public health awareness.
Two loaders and two 5-ton trucks were purchased to augment garbage collection capacity and disposal efficiency and frequency to assist in removing accumulations of waste in the streets of the targeted area. This action also contributes to reducing health hazards associated with uncollected wastes.
A thousand trees were planted in the Ezbet Allam as part of the conducted clean-up campaign. Due to the lack of environmental and health issues, an awareness campaign was run to raise the resident’s awareness about the health implications of pollution that can lead to diseases.