EGP News

Cairo Water Week (CWW 2023): Action on Water Adaptation for Sustainability

Cairo Water Week (CWW 2023): Action on Water Adaptation for Sustainability

The Environmental Governance Programme, CEDARE, participated in a session at Cairo Water Week 2023 in its sixth edition, which was held on the 29th of October. The CEDARE team collaborated with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in a session under the theme “Building the foundations for community-led development of integrated, nature-inspired water solutions in Egypt and the Wider MENA region”, which highlighted Al-Murunah project as an illustrative example.
Dr. Amr Abdelmeged, Regional Environmental Governance Director at CEDARE, participated in the panel discussion. He addressed the technical gaps in implementing resilient nature-based solutions (RNBS) associated with agriculture water management (AWM).
The session aimed to demonstrate the project objective and approach to implementing resilient nature-based solutions (RNBS) on a regional scale. Along with the corresponding RNBS market system challenges and prospects. As in Egypt, Eng. Galal Maowad, Regional Participatory Development Expert, gave a presentation on the ongoing fieldwork and the participatory effort with the local community and primary stakeholders to address and develop the potential resilient nature-based solution.

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