MDGs Monitoring and Evaluation for Water in North Africa (MEWINA)
(2011-2015), (AfDB-AWF-CEDARE), H.E. Dr. Nadia Makram Ebeid, Executive Director, CEDARE (Centre for Environment & Development for the Arab Region & Europe) singed on January 4th, 2011 a project agreement with the African Water Facility at the African Development Bank office in Egypt, for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Monitoring & Evaluation Program for the Water in North Africa.
The project is expected to establish national units for Water Monitoring & Evaluation within the main ministry in-charge of water at the national level in the 6 North African countries. Coordinated at the national level by a national focal point, the national units will work with a national task force consisting of representatives from the main water-related ministries and authorities at the national level. The project will provide these national units with the necessary equipment, and will develop national capacities for better harmonization, standardization, and sharing of water related information. With North Africa being the first sub-region in Africa to start the M&E Water program under AMCOW, the expected harmonized Water M&E system at the North African sub-regional level, will eventually be replicated and implemented at the Pan-African level
Type of services provided:
COMPONENT 1: Assessment of existing M&E Systems
COMPONENT II: Standardizing and harmonizing National and N-AMCOW M&E systems and reporting
COMPONENT III: Preparing a North African M&E Action Plan and Program
COMPONENT IV: Project Management