Water News


CEDARE Participated in the 10th World Water Forum (WWF10), Bali, Indonesia

CEDARE represented by Prof. Khaled AbuZeid, Regional Director for Water Resources, participated in the 10th World Water Forum (WWF10), organized in Bali, Indonesia, 18-25 May, 2024.

Dr. AbuZeid, attended the 87th Board of Governors of the World Water Council, held back to back with WWF10. He participated as a panelist in the technical session of the WWF10 organized by the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) discussing “Enabling Consumptive Water Use Reduction and Water Savings: Role of Good Governance, Technological Solutions and Sustainable Financing”. He spoke on the “Use of Non conventional Water Resources in the Arab Region”.

Prof. AbuZeid also participated as a panelist in the technical session organized by the Arab Water Council titled “A Workable Framework to Address Social and Economic Vulnerability Under Water-Related Disasters”. He spoke on “Water-Related Disasters: Causes & Risk Reduction Strategies”.

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