SGP Projects

PHAROS- Integrated Eco Routing & Fleet Management

PHAROS- Integrated Eco Routing & Fleet Management

(May 27th, 2014 – May 26th, 2016), PHAROS is a two-year research project funded by the EU-Egypt Innovation Fund. The overall objectives of the project aim to develop novel low-cost integrated real time, eco-routing and fleet management system based on smart communication technologies and cloud computing. The specific objectives of the project are the following:

  1. Developing enhanced navigation by using adaptive algorithms for dynamic route guidance and schedule (e.g. with historic data, least fuel routing, etc..) 
  2. Developing a solution for cooperative eco-driving – providing the driver with support, feedback and guidance on a more fuel efficiency driving behavior (e.g. CO2 production or Cost/saving in monetary terms)
  3. Developing on-board monitoring for dynamic traffic adaptation, adaptive cruise control with support of geographical maps and location information.

The project targets individual travelers, government agencies such as Ministry of transportation, and the Ministry of Interior-General Traffic Authority, and other owners and managers of vehicle fleets (waste collection, ambulances, fire brigade, courier services, industry, etc…)

The Center for Environment development for the Arab Region & Europe (CEDARE) is the beneficiary and Coordinator in charge of implementing the project with the collaboration of 4 partners.

The 4 partners of CEDARE for this project are:

  • Utrecht University – The Netherlands 
  • University of Patras – Greece 
  • Eindhoven University of Technology  TU/e – The Netherlands
  • Softec International – Egypt

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