SGP News


Sharing with you the long-awaited moment…

On December 17th, 2023, marked a remarkable day as 18 new Switchers, backed up by SwitchMed Project Down the Nile Project, unleashed 18 groundbreaking success stories.

At the “Closing of the Switchers Support Programme and the Switchers Meet Investors Event” held in Cairo Marriott Hotel, eighteen crème de la crème green and blue entrepreneurs came under spotlight out of a total of 148 sustainable female and male entrepreneurs, who successfully completed SwitchMed’s training and incubation programmes over the past two-years. Throughout the event, they have been introduced to diverse participants from development organizations, entrepreneurship/business support bodies, and financial actors and pitched their businesses to investors for potential matchmaking opportunities.

Not only grateful to our partners of success: وزارة البيئة المصرية – Ministry of Environment, MedWaves, SwitchMed, European Commission, The Switchers and the Cedare – Centre for Environment & Development for the Arab Region & Europe, but also we are beyond proud of each and every one of you, Switchers.

Keep this momentum going and be the business world’s NEW CONQUERORS, thanks to the constant support of Athar, icealexandria & Intersection and other mentors’ appreciated guidance.

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