Best of Two Worlds (BO2W)

(June 2012 – May 2015), The project falls under the theme of “Global recirculation of strategic metals: Best of Two-Worlds approach” seeking opportunities for recycling of strategic materials found in e-waste. In light of the rising shortage in primary raw material on one hand, and the environmental burden of unexploited waste in the developing world on the other hand, the best of two-worlds approach aims to close global raw material life cycles while optimizing the environmental and social return in the developing world. It covers precious metals and critical resources (e.g. platinum group metals and rare earth) as well as base metals (e.g. aluminum, lead and copper) that can be found in (vehicles, electronic equipment, etc.) assessing secondary resources in Egypt and Ghana as well as implementing pilot projects for collection and pre-treatment.

CEDARE represents Egypt as the pilot country, for North Africa Region, to support the European partners in identifying the priority End-of-Life resources to assess, and conduct the status analysis and identify the requirements to establish the supply chain (collecting, sorting, pre-treatment), in designing and implementing the pilot units, and in establishing permanent recycling structures in Egypt. This also includes facilitating consultation with and outreach to stakeholders, conducting workshops, and exchanging experience.

Best of Two Worlds (Bo2W) Project

(June 2012 – May 2015), The project falls under the theme of “Global recirculation of strategic metals: Best of Two-Worlds approach” seeking opportunities for recycling...
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