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Highlights from CEDARE’s Contribution to the #COP27 Presidency Science Day (2/4)

Highlights from CEDARE’s Contribution to the #COP27 Presidency Science Day (2/4)

In collaboration with the Egyptian Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, CEDARE contributed to the design and organization of four #bluezone sessions as part of the Presidency Science Day, including “Uniting Global Scientific Research: Efforts to Tackle Climate Change.”

Speakers: H.E. Dr Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research; Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Director, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University; Prof. Jim Skea, Co-Chair, Working Group III, IPCC; Prof. Alex Halliday, Founding Dean, Columbia Climate School, Columbia University; and Dr Solomon Assefa, Head, IBM Research.

Moderator: Prof anand patwardhan, Co-Chair, The Adaptation Research Alliance

CEDARE would like to extend its sincerest thanks to the Ministries of Environment, and Higher Education and Scientific Research, for this opportunity and to congratulate them on the success of the Science Day.

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