SwitchMed Phase II
August 1st, 2021- October 1st, 2023), SwitchMed Project Egypt is executed by the Centre for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) and the Ministry of Environment in collaboration with UNEP and financed by SwitchMed; the EU-funded Programme. At this stage, SwitchMed II will accelerate the implementation of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP), promote Circular Economy and Blue Economy in line with Egypt’s Sustainable Consumption and Production National Action Plan. The main activities will comprise: Supporting the execution of the Waste Management Law No. 202 of 2020 and its executive regulations; Supporting the implementation of the Single Use Plastic Bags (SUPB) strategy and action plan to pave the way for a circular economy approach; Supporting the organization of two National Roundtables of Sustainable Consumption and Production; and supporting the development of the action plan for the National Blue Economy Strategy.