SGP News

Workshop in Libya for Dissemination of BAT4MED Project Outcomes

Workshop in Libya for Dissemination of BAT4MED Project Outcomes

As part of the final activities of the EU Project, Best Available Techniques for the Mediterranean (BAT4MED), the Center for Environment and Development in the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) is holding a national workshop on the 15th of August 2013 to disseminate project results in Algeria. The event is held in cooperation with the Environmental General Authority (EGA) of Libya at their premises in Alghiran, Tripoli at 10am. As BAT4MED project comes to a close, the project results are being disseminated in other Arab countries of the Mediterranean in a series of workshops. Previous workshops were held in Palestine, Beirut, and Lebanon over the past month.

In the final workshops stakeholders from industry, academia, NGOs, and public sector gather to learn about BAT4MED project activities and outcomes and to discuss means of incorporating results in policies, plans and program that address their Cleaner Production concerns and priorities. Furthermore, ideas for future cooperation to build on project outcomes are discussed. Information about the project and news updates is available through

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