SGP News

BAT4Med Regional Conference on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control in the Mediterranean Region, Jordan

BAT4Med Regional Conference on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control in the Mediterranean Region, Jordan

This international conference aimed at bringing together the project partners with public authorities, policy and decision makers, industries and other stakeholders from the EU and Mediterranean countries in order to discuss the topic of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control in the Mediterranean region. The project team presented most relevant results from the study undertook in the Mediterranean Partner Countries, and put in light synergies with other interesting policies and experience, on the IPPC implementation.

The conference was one of the final activities of the BAT4MED project, along with the national workshops, held in Mediterranean non-participating countries as follows: Lebanon on June 24th, Jordan on June 26th, Occupied Palestinian Territories (West Bank) on July 1st, Algeria on August 15th and finally Libya August 19th.  

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