KMP Projects


Joint Programming on Chemical and Waste, Sustainable Consumption & Production and Environmental Governance

The aim of this cooperation is to strengthen the capacity of regional and national stakeholders on specific thematic areas such as Sustainable Consumption and Production, and chemicals and waste management. Furthermore, to mobilize additional resources to support West Asia Office in implementing its programme of work for 2018-2019 and strengthening the office’s support to key regional fora.

Activities include:

  • Organizing 6th Sustainable Consumption and Production Roundtable
  • Developing Regional Chemical Outlook and implementing Waste Management Outlook recommendations
  • Joint resource mobilization strategy development
  • Support for regional forums like CAMRE and UNEA



Region / Country    

West Asia


  • Strengthen capacity of regional and national stakeholders on sustainable consumption and production, chemicals, waste management
  • Mobilize additional resources to support UNEP’s West Asia work program and key regional forums


From – To     2018-2019


  • Organize the 6th Sustainable Consumption and Production Roundtable to drive progress on SCP goals in the Arab region: The SCP Roundtable will bring together government and stakeholders to review progress on sustainable consumption and production in the Arab region, build partnerships, and share knowledge and experiences to drive implementation. 
  • Develop a Regional Chemicals Outlook and implement recommendations from the Waste Management Outlook to strengthen chemicals and waste management:  The Chemicals Outlook will assess regional trends and provide recommendations to minimize adverse impacts and promote sound chemicals management aligned with global efforts. Implementing the Waste Management Outlook will further strengthen progress.
  • Create a joint resource mobilization strategy to support UNEP’s environmental work and engagement with the private sector: The resource mobilization strategy aims to diversify funding sources for UNEP’s regional work, including enhanced engagement with the private sector.
  • Provide technical and logistical support for major regional forums like CAMRE and UNEA to facilitate environmental decision-making: By supporting key forums like CAMRE and UNEA, UNEP and CEDARE will provide technical inputs, capacity building, and logistical assistance to facilitate major regional environmental decision-making processes.


Relevance to SDGS  The project’s outcomes in strengthening capacities and engagement on key environmental issues would support several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including:

  • SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production – via SCP initiatives
  • SDG 3 Good Health and Wellbeing – through better chemicals and waste management
  • SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals – by collaborating across organizations
  • SDG 13 Climate Action – by improving environmental data availability

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