EGP News

Egyptian Farmers in Beheira Celebrate Water-Saving Technology

Egyptian Farmers in Beheira Celebrate Water-Saving Technology

The regional Al Murunah project, which features a collaboration between International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and Cedare – Centre for Environment & Development for the Arab Region & Europe in Egypt, celebrated a significant milestone last Sunday (Jan. 26) with the handover of a laser-levelling equipped tractor to the agricultural cooperative in Ezbet al Hamra Beheira governorate, محافظة البحيرة. This event, marked by joyous celebrations with farmers and government officials, signifies a crucial step towards increasing water security in the region. 💦

What is Laser Levelling❓

Laser levelling is a cutting-edge technology that creates perfectly flat fields, optimizing water usage and boosting crop yields. By using a laser guidance system, farmers in Ezbet al Hamra can achieve unprecedented precision, leading to:

✅ Reduced water consumption: Up to 25% less water is needed for irrigation.

✅ Increased crop yields: Expect a 10-20% increase in crop production.

✅ Improved efficiency: Faster levelling process saves time and labour costs.

✅ Reductions in nutrient leaching: positive impacts on water quality.

🌱 In addition to the tractor handover, the #almurunah team visited a field school established by the project in December. This valuable platform provides farmers with essential technical advice and good agricultural practices related to beet and artichoke cultivation. Twice-monthly sessions empower farmers with the knowledge they need to optimize their farming methods and increase their productivity.

📘💧 By providing farmers with access to innovative technologies and essential knowledge, the Al Murunah project empowers local communities to enhance their livelihoods while preserving vital water resources through #WaterGovernance.

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office


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